I climb over my dog to fuck him

I like climbing up my dog when we make love.supple My spouse gave me a dog for my birthday and although at 1st I was not quite accede one time you???ve taken advantage the brute and now I would not change for everything 'coz my recent dog gives me orgasms as I not at any time had previous to and all thanks to the success that took my spouse to give me this puppy so great and vehement,supple will be eternally grateful.flexible My partner does not know I use the dog nor would I think to say coz it???s not smth this guy purchased,supple but instead do desire to share with u how glad that makes me my pet,supple I have it fully controlled 'coz since I tried bestiality with my dog have discovered a way in which I have a fun greater quantity with him and is by climbing over his cock,flexible when I???m up I introduce his wang carefully and one time you???re inside begin to ride like eager,flexible his shlong rubs my inward walls and gives me a fun that I can not describe,flexible I recommend it to everybody,supple I hope u like the movie I made my dog riding.

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Submitted by Godolenza


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